A downloadable game

using godot 4

simple boxxle remake.

current features:

  • play boxxle, boxxle 2, and custom puzzles created by the user
  • change the skin of the game to a custom one instead of the original gb textures

map template.txt
// map template: 
//0 - floor
//1 - wall
//2 - box
//3 - box spot
//4 - player
// 5 - out of map////////////
// 6 - both spot and box location
// first 2 lines are width and height of map
correct map file has no comments


  • added color change to box when over a box spot.
  • added next puzzle button when level is completed.
  • added puzzles up to 5-01, puzzles are checked by eye so 1 to 2 of them might be off from original/unsolvable, I'm tired.

Update 2:

  • fixed reset bug if map was loaded using the next button the starting level was "reloaded" instead.
  •  added original textures scaled to 256 to make switching "skins" easier.
  • added more levels.
  •  adjusted box over spot to fit grayscale colors (box is darker not green).
  •  added timer to levels.
  •  added ability to choose between boxxle, boxxle 2, or custom maps.
  •  can now load custom maps from maps directory.
  •  added ability to load custom skin, restricted to one at the moment, doesn't include player skin.
  •  can now load custom skins from skin directory.
  • completed all boxxle 1 maps, now working on boxxle 2 maps.

known bugs:

  • next level bug when player is on last puzzle will load a null map and auto complete the level. if next is hit again it breaks the camera zoom, making everything tiny, and goes back to the main screen.this bug was introduced when i implemented map loading from outside of godots resource directory.

Future features:

  • proper menu screen.
  • save functionality for what puzzles are solved with how many steps and how long it took to solve.
  • adjust movement so you aren't constantly tapping(my fingers hurt from play testing), though press to move may make it easier to push a box into a corner.
  • more than one song on a loop the whole time the game is open, it got old quick.

any recommendations or critique is welcome. this is a hobby so I'm not good at it.


boxxle.zip 30 MB
boxxle source.zip 17 MB
maps.zip 25 kB

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